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Skywing RC 74" Edge540-F V3 (Gray yellow )
Skywing RC  74" Edge540-F V3 (Gray yellow )
Price: CAD$894.98

Stock Status:Pre-Order

Availability: Hold 1 Luie
Item Number: SKW74EDGE540V3Y


开箱视频Unboxing video

Thanks for the wonderful video recorded by the distribution point in Korea!


Product Information

1)Advanced construction for today's demanding pilots
2) PATENTED quick assembly canopy, wings and elevator systems EXCLUSIVE to Skywing
3) Fast assembly time with pre-hinged and pre-sealed ailerons and elevators
4) Factory assembled detailed canopy interior
5) Incredible value NOW WITH MATCHING SPINNER, fuel tank, fuel line, fuel and vent dot, wing and stab bags, as well as preinstalled high quality extensions.




74 in./1870mm


72.6 in./1844mm

Wing Area

957.9 sq in/61.8dm²


11.46 lbs/5.2kg

Packaging Size/ Weight




Test device(工厂测试设备)

【engine 发动机】:DLE35ra

【Servos 伺服】:Elevator 升降 Aileron 副翼 Rudder 方向 Throttle油门(CLI-310*6)

Propellor 桨】:19 *8

【power supply 电源】:2S-2200mah *1

【spinner 整流罩】:3”(76mm)

【servo arm 摇臂】:Elevator 升降=1.5" *2 Aileron 副翼=1.5" *2 Rudder 方向=2.5" *1 dual servo arm 中置双向


Test device(工厂测试设备)

【Motor 电机】:dualsky XM6360EA-KV184

【ESC 电调】:Hobbywing Platinum 100A HV V3

【Servos 伺服】:Elevator 升降 Aileron 副翼 Rudder 方向(CLI-310*6)

Propellor 桨】:20*10

【power supply 电源】:6S-3700mah *2

【spinner 整流罩】:3”(76mm)

【servo arm 摇臂】:Elevator 升降=1.5" *2 Aileron 副翼=1.5" *2 Rudder 方向=2.5"(dual servo arm 中置双向 *1)


1) 30-40cc Gas Engine*1pcs
2) Carbon Propeller (20x8, 20x9, 20x10)*1pcs
3) Digital High Speed Throttle Servo*1pcs
4) Digital High Torque Metal Gear Servos 40*20mm/20kg*5pcs
5) 6" Extensions - aileron Throttle servos*3pcs
6) 1.5" Arms - tapped for 3mm hardware (ailerons x 2, elevator x 2)
7) 3" Double sided arm - tapped for 3mm hardware (rudder in push/pull config.)


Product details photo(产品细节图)


Appreciation of static pictures(静态图片欣赏)


Color scheme;

Edge540-D(Gray Green )

Reference cover color number(Oracover: white-10, Royal28-042,/skywing Customized;Metal gray-sw-04)

Edge540-E(white blue )

Reference cover color number(Oracover: white-10, Royal green28-042,corsair blue-19,)

Edge540-F(Gray yellow )

Reference cover color number(Oracover: white-10, cub yellow-30 ,/skywing Customized;Metal gray-sw-04)

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